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083 - Mr Mom

The Knights Day Out

 August 1, 2015 |  Download

In this installment, The Knights tell tales of their continued exploration of this new land in which they call home. A truly wonderful day was had while perusing the local fare, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, breads, trinkets and crafts, at the peasants bazaar. A tournament of sorts was had as the Flick Pick was chosen by the convention of the release year matching the episode number. 1983 provided many contenders, and it came down to a draw between Return of the Jedi and Mr. Mom. Ceebs has this notion that everyone expects her to choose a Star Wars flick, so in keeping with her Rebel Alliance attitude, she eliminated it from the competition. The ultimate victor is a favorite of both Knights, Mr. Mom, the gender role stereotype reversing comedy starring Michael Keaton and Teri Garr. As usual, staying on topic proved to be a challenge for the Knights, but they battled their inner SQUIRREL! valiantly.

The Knights were joined in the Mixlr chat by @mv_ughn, @tkaytt, @bozobarr, and @dianae173.